Dangers of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is actually the tapping of the power which is already within us. Now for example, you have a certain power in your stomach, and this power is continuously supplied to your other organs in the stomach, and it is used for that, through the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic stores it and the sympathetic uses it.
Now supposing there is a disease in the stomach. So now the energy in that which is the vital energy in that particular centre is sort of exhausted or is much less. So what do they (acupuncturist) do? How do they work on that person? Well they take the energy from another centre to divert it, and put it where there is less energy. And that’s how they try to cure that.
But by that they create an imbalance, because you have a limited energy; the energy within you is absolutely limited. Now supposing for example you have limited gas in your car and you find another car with less gas or not gas. Now if you put your gas into the other car, maybe that car will go half way but you will also go half way and the end result is both the cars travel lesser and at the end are out if gas. You understand my point? So both of them reduce their longevity. So the process of extraction of the energy which is within us is very limited.
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