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William Blake and Sahaja Yoga

Fourteen thousand years back in India the originator of the astrology in India called as Brighu Muni has predicted that such a system will start in 1970. Actually he didn't write 1970 he wrote according to Indian calendar. But three hundred years back another Indian called Swami Bhagendar transcribed it and said that it had to start in 1970.

Sahaja Yoga started in 1970. Also it was said that in this new method of Sahaja Yoga, thousands of people will get awakening of the Kundalini in a sahaja way, in a spontaneous way, and that you will not have to work hard for it or to do any kind of penance - tapasharya. This was predicted so far as that that after some time when such yogis will be created on this earth that there will be no need of hospitals. It has gone even further, it's quite a long thing but I'm just telling you that it has been predicted a long time back.

But only hundred of years back, a great seer known as William Blake was born in England. In a book called Milton, he has identified Milton with a seeker. And he has said so clearly about Sahaja Yoga that it is really surprising that such a seer was born in England. He has said that the men of God will become prophets and these prophets will have powers to make others prophets. He has even given exact places where I would be living. First we were living in Surrey Hills. He has written that the first would be lit in Surrey Hills. And there's a second house which he has described, he has described it that it will be on the Tyburn brook, behind the Kensington Gardens. Now My, this house is exactly there.

Also he has described how he called